It's that time again, the end of the year is in sight, and the AdNews Annual is out.
The next big, connected theme is the collaboration between CMOs and the CIO and data folks. It’s the premise of the Photo Essay in The Annual and why we’ve teamed up CMOs and marketing directors with IT, digital and data people to get their view, in their words, on what they see taking place next year.
We brought together 12 pairs from some of Australia's biggest and most forward thinking brands and asked them what they see ahead in the new frontier. Woolworths CMO Tony Phillips and data partner Tony Davis from Quantium are one of those pairs. You can see an excerpt from their essays here.
Read with ears that can listen – that should mess with you. But there are cues and clues in these pages about what will hit our industry next year. For the curious it should help.
We also corralled 10 media personalities to talk about how the world is changing from their perspective. The Australian editor in chief Chris Mitchell lets rip on “digital evangelists” and advises us all to “keep our pants on” over mobile.
We share our Top Tens; The best Australian ads, the best from overseas, 2014's best and worst buzzwords, the worst ads on our screens, the top tech moments of the year, and some of the weirder complaints about ads the advertising watchdog received this year.
Your copies will be landing on desks over the next few days and we'll be sharing some of those insights online over the next few days. You can also buy the iPad version immediately and check it out digitally.
Here's the full list of talent included in the issue:
Photo Essay
Qantas Loyalty CMO Stephanie Tully and Vaughan Chandler executive manager of Red Planet
StreamCo CEO Mike Sneesby and head of marketing Fiona King
Seven West Media chief revenue officer Kurt Burnett and director of data and business intelligence Dave Miller,
Hoyts Cinema Technology Group general manager Adam Wrightson and general manager of marketing Stephanie Mills
Merivale CEO Justin Hemmes and marketing director Deana Marrocco
Nestle CMO Therese Kallie and head of digital and media Antonia Farquhar
Contiki head of brand and consumer marketing Brett Morgan and managing director Katrina Barry
NRL's Lewis Pullen and Telstra's Adam Good
Foxtel's Ed Smith and IT director David Marks
Woolworths CMO and Quantium's Tony Davis
Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences director Rose Hiscock and Michael Parry, director of programs and engagement
Metlife head of marketing and experience Paul Bennett and CIO Mathews George
Media Rants:
Chris Mitchell says “keep your pants on with mobile”
Merrick Watts on commercial integration
Helen McCabe on the old guard fighting back
Michael West on big tech avoiding big tax
David 'Kochie' Koch on tech trends in business
Dan Gregory on taking troops into competitive combat
Brendan Julian on the live sports love affair
Kent 'Smallsy' Small on radio feedback
Ross Stevenson on the FM AM divide
Blair Joscelyne on YouTube stardom
Grab a copy on in print or on iPad. Extra copies of the AdNews Annual can be ordered from the publishers, Yaffa Publishing Group. Call 1800 807 760.
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