TBWA 'frontrunner' in Defence Force recruitment pitch

By Chris Pash and Ashley Regan | 4 October 2024

Omnicom agency TBWA is now the frontrunner to win Defence Force recruitment creative account, insiders said. 

Sources said a decision was expected soon but that TBWA was ahead.

Applications for Australia's largest creative account opened in February this year, as part of a mandatory review as the current arrangement expires March 2025. 

The shortlist included incumbent VML, dentsu, TBWA and M&C Saatchi.

Moving an account of this size is a huge drain on resources, but insiders told AdNews last year the client was looking for a change.

Earlier this year an audit found that ADF's advertising campaigns fail to prove effectiveness.

The Department of Finance reported recruitment advertising expenditure at $60.2 million for 2022–23, representing about 33.6% of total Australian Government advertising spend of $179.3 million.

The latest campaign for ADF Careers, titled 'Unlike any other job', highlighted the personal and professional impact a career in the ADF provides.

VMLY&R Melbourne won the creative and digital account for Defence Force Recruiting in 2019, taking over from Host/Havas.

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