Sustainable Screens Australia announces industry partnerships

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 31 October 2022
Image provided by Sustainable Screens Australia.

Sustainable Screens Australia (SSA), an industry-led initiative addressing the growing need to reduce the screen industry’s environmental impact, announced that 16 leading industry organisations have come on board as seed funders and Foundational Members.  

Broadcasters and streamers ABC, SBS, Netflix, and Paramount ANZ lead the line-up of supporters, which also includes screen agencies Screen NSW, VicScreen, Screen Queensland and Screen Tasmania, production companies BBC Studios, CJZ, Dreamchaser, Film Art Media, Matchbox Pictures and Regen Studios, the Docklands Studios and Shark Island Foundation. 

SSA was founded on a vision to change the climate of screen production in Australia through collaboration, education, tools and resources, with the goal of transforming the industry into one which integrates sustainability into everyday practices. 

SSA has raised funds that will enable the organisation to launch to the wider industry as a member-based organisation in early 2023. This member-based funding structure will support SSA’s initiatives into the future. 

The following companies are also supporting SSA by providing pro-bono services: Moneypenny (accountancy), Shiff & Company (legal) and NIXCO (public relations).

Anna Kaplan & Sara Horn, co-chairs of Sustainable Screens Australia, said: “We are thrilled to be launching this vital initiative with the backing of such an influential cohort of foundational members.  

“It’s immensely encouraging to see the screen industry putting sustainability and carbon reduction squarely on the agenda. We look forward to supporting the industry to reduce our collective environmental impact and respond to climate change with the urgency it demands.” 

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