Survey 3 delivers strong numbers for radio listenership

By AdNews | 5 June 2024
Jo Dick

Morning radio show listenership reached a record number of 7.19 million in GfK Survey 3 2024.

The listening time sits at an average of 2 hours 43 minutes for commercial DAB+ only stations.

The number of commercial radio listeners via streaming grew to 3.28 million. Morning streaming alone rose by 13% since last survey to reach an audience of nearly 1.38 million, while 122,000 new listeners were welcomed to at-home streaming.

In-car listening also saw growth, with more than 10 million listeners; this additional 258,000 listeners marks a nearly 3% increase compared to the same period last year.

At-work commercial radio audiences are listening for an extra 42 minutes per week, lifting the YOY figure by 6.2%. At-home time spent listening (TSL) has seen a 6.1% rise.

TSL for those aged 18 to 24 and 55 to 64 increased by 3.6% and 2.5% in Survey 3.

CRA chief commercial officer Jo Dick said that the rise in morning listenership, partnered with increased engagement during commutes, shows how seamlessly radio integrates into our lives.

“Radio’s not just a source of information and entertainment, it's a central part of our routines," she said.

“It's great to see our audience consistently growing. With 18 to 24-year-olds listening for almost 11 hours weekly, radio's appeal clearly spans generations."

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