Sunday Gravy appoints Karolina Bozajkovska head of creative production

By AdNews | 11 July 2024

Independent creative agency Sunday Gravy has appointed Karolina Bozajkovska head of production.

Bozajkovska is a former executive producer at Clemenger.

“Since I first worked with Kaz 20 years ago, she has been the one producer that truly gets creativity, and pushes the boundaries of what’s possible. Kaz is more than a producer. She’s a partner, a leader and an extension of the creative process," Sunday Gravy co-founder Ant White said.

"She’s also a bloody good mate, and someone I trust. It feels like, after all these years, we’re picking up where we left off, and have more experience behind us to create work we are proud of."

Bozajkovska said she's excited to join a company that is renowned for its innovative approach to production.

"I look forward to working with such a talented team and continuing to create work that is both unexpected and engaging," she said.

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