SPEED makes three senior appointments

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 9 January 2023
Robert Maxwell; image supplied by SPEED.

Independent media agency SPEED has appointed three senior executives following a year of adding clients including Colonial First State, Carnival Cruise Lines, Archie Rose, Boody and additional projects across Dulux Group.

Milli Singson joins as lead data scientist, Nikki McColl is client director and Rob Maxwell investment director.

Ian Perrin, managing partner of SPEED, said: “We are putting our foot on the accelerator in terms of the capabilities we are adding to the team. 

“We have always relied on senior talent to deliver fast and effective solutions for our clients, and these three hires reflect a continuation of that approach.” 

“Milli is perhaps the smartest person we have ever hired, Nikki has gained the respect of every client she has worked on, and Rob has a formidable reputation both within the agency world and across media partners. There is no doubt that they will be great additions to SPEED.”

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