Special wins IGA pitch

By AdNews | 17 June 2024

Independent supermarket group IGA has appointed Special agency of record across brand strategy and design, advertising and communications following a competitive pitch led by consultancy TrinityP3. 

Incumbent The Core Agency has held the account since 2019, releasing its first work for the brand in October of that year. 

The IGA network has more than 1,150 independent family-owned businesses in regional and metro areas across Australia 

Lindsey Evans, partner and CEO at Special Australia said the agency was proud to partner with the wonderful brand in its next chapter.

"It is a brand that is at the heart of so many communities and we are in a privileged position to be able to help leverage the incredibly powerful brand truths in supercharging growth," she said.

Fiona Johnston, general manager shopper, brand and loyalty at IGA's owner, Metcash Food, said the supermarket was excited to partner with Special, another independent network, to to share more about what makes IGA special and the benefits that come from shopping local from family-owned businesses.



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