Snapchat’s audience hard to reach on other platforms  

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 17 August 2022
Souvik Banerjee via Unsplash.

Even when stacked against TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, and others, Snapchat’s growing daily audience is exclusive to Snapchat and hard to reach on other platforms, research from GlobalWebIndex (GWI) has revealed. 

With over 20,000 daily Snapchatters across 26 markets surveyed to compare Snapchat’s unique daily audience vs. other social platforms, the research found that within Australia specifically, 57% of daily Snapchatters age 16+ do not use TikTok every day, 79% do not use Twitter every day and 48% do not use YouTube every day. 

Looking exclusively at 16-24 year old daily Snapchatters in Australia, 83% do not use Twitter every day, 40% of do not use Facebook every day, and 48% do not use TikTok every day.  

Matthew Coote, head of enterprise for ANZ at Snap, said: "The Snapchat Generation is unique and at a pivotal moment in their lives, where they are building brand preferences ahead of going through life’s milestones - from graduation and moving out, to travel and starting their career.  

“It’s critical for brands to engage with the 13-34 age range, and the research shows that the Snapchat Generation are not easily reached outside of the Snap ecosystem, where their engagement on other platforms is declining.“  

Snapchat now has 347 million Daily Active Users, an increase of 54 million or 18% YoY, with the social platform reaching over 90% of 13- to 24-year-olds and 75% of 13- to 34-year-olds in over 20 countries, including Australia.  



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