Snack Drawer hires senior social, editorial and account talent

By AdNews | 23 July 2024
Sarah Rogan, Beaurey Chan, Zoe Anastasiou.

Culture-first agency Snack Drawer has hired Beaurey Chan, Zoe Anastasiou and Sarah Rogan.

Chan joins as social and content lead for Netflix, most recently at Think HQ she led social media and content strategies for the Department of Social Services, Respect Victoria and BreastScreen Victoria.

Chan said she's joined Snack Drawer at the perfect time, the agency is thriving and it's exciting to be part of that growth.

"I'm looking forward to working closely with the team to craft dynamic, creative content that truly resonates with our audiences," Chan said.

Anastasiou steps in as editorial strategist on social for Netflix, bringing expertise from acting fashion and beauty editor at Refinery29 Australia and fashion editor at Marie Claire UK.

Anastasiou said she is excited to continue Snack Drawer’s dedication to creativity and cultural relevance.

"I look forward to ensuring our content not only stands out but also supports our clients," Anastasiou said.

Rogan joins as senior communications account manager, with experience brand side for The Body Shop and L’Oreal, she will head up communications for all Snack Drawer’s clients.

Rogan said Snack Drawer has been on her radar for a while.

"I'm thrilled to join the team at such an exciting time," Rogan said.

"It’s such a fun and creative environment to be welcomed into and I look forward to contributing to the vibrant culture and great work."

Snack Drawer CEO and co-founder Jamie Searle said the agency is thrilled to welcome Beaurey, Zoe, and Sarah to the team.

"The fact we’re able to attract talent of their calibre is a testament to the great work done by the existing team which has created incredible momentum, helping us grow our revenue by over 30% in the last 12 months," Searle said.

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