SICKDOGWOLFMAN brings on Jess Wheeler as creative director

By AdNews | 5 May 2023

Independent agency SICKDOGWOLFMAN has hired Jess Wheeler to head up the creative charge with fellow creative director and founder, James Orr. 

Wheeler spent the last two years as a freelance creaive director/consultant with creative, PR, and design agencies of all sizes, as well as a number of direct clients.

Prior to that, he was creative partner at Melbourne independent, Fenton Stephens, for four years.

Orr said Wheeler coming onboard felt like a no brainer.

"He’s our kind of people. A creative at heart, incredibly driven and has a sick taste in music. It’s exciting times for SICKDOG," said Orr.

Wheeler said he has been a long time fan of what the agency has already achieved, and the model that's been put together over the last few months is already resonating with clients.

"Senior, talented, experienced people working closely with a similar team on client side," said Wheeler.

"This is the future of commercial creativity as far as we’re concerned. Less layers, more direct. Less bark, more bite.”

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