Several reasons native ads should not be sneezed at: Bose and Zyrtec hit Buzzfeed

Rachael Micallef
By Rachael Micallef | 10 September 2014

Bose, Zyrtec and Westpac have joined the likes of Telstra, Commbank, McDonald's and Vodafone on the BuzzFeed native bandwagon.

BuzzFeed has been drumming up local interest for its branded content distribution platform since setting up a Sydney office at the start of the year. At the time, it urged local brands to "do advertising that sucks less".

Wespac supported its mainstream advertising blitz on its Emergency Cash service campaign, which launched in June, with the listicle approach pioneered by BuzzFeed and now copied throughout mainstream media. Meanwhile, BuzzFeed is also going the other way, investing in hard news resources as well as increasingly big-budget video production with a recent cash injection giving mainstream media companies 50 million reasons to worry.

Westpac's native content pieces on BuzzFeed include “The 11 stages of losing your wallet”.

More recently, as part of it's #listenforyourselfAU campaign, audio specialist Bose has a bunch of branded content pages on BuzzFeed, encouraging people to share their hidden talents with the world - and win $20,000. It's also taken the listicle/talent approach with content such as “15 Celebrities with Hidden Musical Talents.”

Another local advertiser that has not sneezed at the BuzzFeed opportunity is Anti-allergen brand Zyrtec. It's speaking to its core audience with native posts such as “12 things only those with allergies understand” complete with cats, dogs and animated gifs.

Most of the brands using the BuzzFeed platform are also distributing the content across other owned and social channels.

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