SBS On Demand joins VOZ

By AdNews | 30 May 2024
SBS national manager of agency sales, Adam Sadler.

SBS On Demand has joined BVOD trading OzTAM's VOZ Streaming, giving advertisers access to Australia’s free-to-air commercial BVOD inventory.

SBS director of media sales Adam Sadler said over many years SBS On Demand has built an important position in the premium video market with a deep library.

"SBS has always maintained a collaborative position in the market. We are very pleased to bring SBS On Demand into VOZ Streaming giving marketers access to the diverse audiences who regularly come to our platform," Sadler said.

OzTAM CEO Karen Halligan said aggregating the scale of broadcasters’ BVOD inventory is more important than ever as we work towards Total TV trading via VOZ. 

"BVOD viewing delivers reach in all demographics, particularly, younger audiences with 24% of 18 to 24 year-olds’ weekly broadcaster viewing exclusively on BVOD," Halligan said.

“As more services are measured with VOZ, OzTAM is looking forward to welcoming and onboarding further streaming services in VOZ Streaming.”

Paramount Australia general manager data insights and analytics Gareth Tomlin said SBS's decision reflects OzTAM's extensive industry collaboration with clients and agency partners.

"VOZ Streaming will allow advertisers to control the reach and frequency of their programmatic campaigns across multiple platforms, backed up by the robust and independent VOZ data set," Tomlin said.

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