Saatchi's Iona Macgregor becomes whiteGREY's chief strategy officer

By AdNews | 23 October 2023
Iona Macgregor.

whiteGREY has appointed strategist Iona Macgregor chief strategy officer.

She also joins the agency’s executive leadership team and will work across the agency’s national and APAC client base.

whiteGREY’s CEO Lee Simpson said the team is excited to welcome Macgregor to the agency as this is a critical role for them and one they've considered carefully.

"Iona’s experience will bring fresh strategic leadership to our business and our clients, adding to the depth of talent and capability we have across brand, communications, CX and media strategy," said Simpson.

“Iona is an innovative thinker suited to a creative agency with strong technology heritage, and I’m excited about the impact she will make."

Most recently chief strategy officer at Saatchi & Saatchi Australia, Macgregor brings more than two decades of creative strategy experience driving currency, growth & impact for iconic global and local brands. 

Clients include Ampol, Arnott’s, AXA, Cartier, Heineken, Nestlé, NRMA, OPSM, Orange, Westpac group’s St.George, Ray-Ban, Tiger Beer and Vodafone.

Prior to Saatchi & Saatchi, Macgregor led hybrid strategy & innovation teams that brought together experts across brand, UX and social for creative agency Marcel Worldwide in Paris from 2010, followed by becoming co-founder of Marcel Sydney in 2015.

Macgregor said this industry has been talking about transformational change for as long as she can remember. 

"But it takes a proper merge of creative, strategy, technology expertise and genuine care to deliver ideas that will set brands up for sustainable growth," she said.

“The team at whiteGREY are just awesome. I believe they’ve got a unique combination of all the skills and passion required to navigate this challenging market for their clients and I can’t wait to get started.”

Notable ideas realised under Macgregor’s leadership include Intermarché’s Inglorious fruit & vegetables; Tiger Beer’s Air Ink and Donation Dollar for the Royal Australian mint. 

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