Ricky Chanana leaves Twitch for local adtech

Ashley Regan
By Ashley Regan | 9 January 2023
Ricky Chanana

Ricky Chanana, Twitch head of sales ANZ, has left after three years to join creative intelligence company JustEggs Digital as chief growth officer.

Chanana will commence at JustEggs in February, reporting directly to CEO Nik Kontoulas at its Pyrmont office.

Chanana and Kontoulas have been friends since working together at Sensis MediaSmart in 2007.

Kontoulas told AdNews his motivation for poaching Chanana was to "open up more commercial deals and head up public relations for JustEggs.

"Ricky loves to be front and centre - that's exactly what we need."

Chanana told AdNews: "I’m beyond excited to be joining JustEggs.

"I’m so impressed with their performance so far and their ability to converge creative, media and data as a one-stop shop for their clients. For me, that is a winning trifecta for advertisers today.

"Plus, there’s never been a better time to focus on and grow a strong local business.

"I cannot wait to join the team at JustEggs in February this year and take the business to new heights. Watch this space."

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