Rich Berney and John Linton launch new agency Berlin

By AdNews | 20 September 2023

Rich Berney and John Linton, the ex-303 MullenLowe agency leaders, have launched their new independent offering Berlin.

The agency was unveiled to clients, collaborators, friends and family at an event in Perth.

The creative duo departed 303 MullenLowe Perth back in February after a combined 26 years there.

On the reason for the name of the new agency, Berney said Berlin is a creative mecca, set in one the most strategically-focused countries in the world.

"So we thought that works. Berlin, WA – let’s go!" he said,.

"To be honest though, it’s just a neat mash-up of our names.

"Our agency concept isn’t new - we’re a strategic shop with creative chops. But it’ll work. There’s a real wash of conservatism going on and we’re not into it. It just doesn’t work. ‘Playful is powerful’ is what we know to be true, and we’ll offer it every time. The potential for environmental, social & economic change through measured creativity is absolutely endless."

Linton said the duo have found time and time again that the most effective work comes from embracing a sense of playfulness in everything they do.

"Not rushing straight to execution, but rather taking the problem ‘for a walk’. Stretching, contradicting, testing and building upon ideas until we arrive at creative destinations that are audacious, yet perfectly planned for success," he said.

"We enjoy taking this walk together. John’s left brain and my right, working together through every step of every project, because we believe there’s as much to be gained from injecting art into strategy as there is science into creativity."

The pair said they’d been encouraged to back their positioning after road-testing it with a platoon of marketing leaders over the past six months.

Linton said that regardless of the category, marketers have a real appetite to shake loose the conservatism that’s set into the industry, both in WA and further afield.

"But they’ve highlighted the increasing internal challenges they’re facing to get these kinds of transformational ideas off the ground," he said.

"So, yes, they want the playful ideas... but more so they need partners who’ll help them make the careful plans required for those ideas see the light of day. Partners who’ll help to make that ‘risk’ feel entirely responsible."

Over the course of their careers, Berney and Linton have helped to grow brands locally and internationally including Canon, Honda, Telstra, Lotterywest, St John and ECU; while creating long-lasting behaviour change with clients such as the Mental Health Commission, Water Corporation, Road Safety Commission and FARE.

This passion for a positive, hope-filled future runs deep into the agency’s business model.

Berney said the duo have begun the B Corp Certification, but that’s a commitment that takes time.

"Until then, our company goal is simply to be good and great at the same time," he said.

"From day one, Berlin is a social enterprise hybrid, meaning we’ll channel at least 20% of our time & profits into pro-social and pro- environmental campaigns. We are a proudly for profit business – but we are dead serious about making our future grandkids proud!

Berlin has kicked off its journey with foundation partners to be announced soon and invites others to join the voyage.

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