Revium adds three team members to employee benefits trust program

Tayla Foster
By Tayla Foster | 24 August 2022
Supplied: Adam Barty

Digital agency Revium has added three new team members to its employee benefits trust program, lifting ownership of the company by its employees to 10%.

The program is believed to be unique among medium-sized digital marketing and transformation agencies and it will continue to grow, with the goal of reaching 15% employee ownership in 2025.

The three new members of the employee benefits trust program are Revium’s head of front-end development, Chris Newton; Finance and HR manager, Effie Alexopoulos; and executive assistant, Carla Addamo. Their addition brings the total number of employees in the program to 10.

Revium managing director, Adam Barty, said: “Our most valued asset is our people. Our unique employee benefits trust program is one of many ways we support the professional and personal growth of our staff. The program has seen great success since it started in 2018, and we are committed to increasing the scale and participation of the program over many years to come.

“We are not aware of any other agency of our size that has such a program. It is just one of the many unique ways that Revium recognises the efforts of our team members. Not only does becoming an equity holder give employees a sense of appreciation, but it also gives them a chance to gain insights into the ups and downs of business ownership.”

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