Reload Media wins Kathmandu

By AdNews | 6 December 2024

Retail brand Kathmandu has appointed Reload Media as its digital marketing partner, following a competitive pitch.

Reload Media will implement performance and digital brand advertising across Australia and New Zealand.

Reload general manager of commercial Emily Standley said the agency is thrilled to partner with Kathmandu, a brand that embodies adventure and innovation.

"Our team is eager to work with Kathmandu to enhance the brand's online presence, increase customer engagement, and driving sales growth," Standley said.

Reload general manager of marketing Dan Howe said Kathmandu is a brand that lives and breathes adventure.

"With their willingness to embrace creativity across media and our focus on data-driven insights and innovative strategies, we’re set to drive significant growth and brand visibility, achieving some great results together," Howe said.

Kathmandu general manager of digital Craig Mildenhall said the brand excited to collaborate with Reload Media.

"Leveraging their expertise in paid digital strategies, we aim to strengthen our customer connections, drive engagement, and fuel our online growth across Australia and New Zealand," Mildenhall said.

The new partnership kicks off immediately, spearheading the digital marketing for Kathmandu’s latest campaign “Come Find Us. We’re Out There.”

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