Reddit’s top trends in Australia in 2022

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 12 December 2022

The Reddit Recap for Australia in 2022 reveals that sports, politics, finance and celebrity Ask Me Anythings (AMAs) attracted the most local attention.

The second report to be released in the local market, Reddit Recap is an annual report that highlights the year's most memorable moments on the internet along with the most active communities and the biggest conversation drivers on Reddit.

The report offers insight into what Australian audiences cared about in 2022, especially when it comes to pop and internet culture. Globally, Reddit is home to more than 100,000 active communities around the world and in 2022, redditors created over 430 million posts, a 14% increase year on year.

Most-viewed communities in Australia:

  1. r/amitheasshole

  2. r/australia

  3. r/askreddit

  4. r/worldnews

  5. r/ausfinance

  6. r/melbourne

  7. r/nba

  8. r/sydney

  9. r/antiwork

  10. r/bestofredditorupdates

Most-engaged communities in Australia: 

  1. r/askreddit

  2. r/australia

  3. r/melbourne

  4. r/nrl

  5. r/afl

  6. r/amitheasshole

  7. r/teenagers

  8. r/ausfinance

  9. r/sydney

  10. r/worldnews

Most-upvoted posts in Australia:

  1. r/mademesmile: he finally got his acorn

  2. r/oddlysatisfying: Adding gold foil to this thread I came across

  3. r/australia Paying back Clive for all those f&*king text messages

  4. r/australia: “Jesus, we’re on the f**king tele.”

  5. r/chaser: Aussies unite: Can we make this majestic bin chicken the most upvoted image on Reddit of all time?

Most-upvoted AMAs in Australia:

  1. r/movies: Hello, I’m Nicolas Cage and welcome to Ask Me Anything

  2. r/brisbane Today marks six years since my first day with Transport for Brisbane, then Brisbane Transport, and about a year since I got a haircut. (AMA?)

  3. r/australianpolitics I'm Adam Bandt, Leader of the Australian Greens. AMA about our election platform and our plan to kick out the Libs on May 21!

  4. r/iama I am Jon Stewart, host of The Problem with Jon Stewart on Apple TV+, and I’m here to talk with you about the stock market. AMA!

  5. r/iama I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and author of “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic.” Ask Me Anything.

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