Qantas 'tantrum' disappears AFR

By AdNews | 8 May 2023
A slide from the 2023 Nine Upfront. Image: Supplied

The Australian Financial Review (AFR) has reportedly disappeared from Qantas premium airport lounges following coverage of the airline by Rear Window columnist Joe Aston.

Nine newspapers reported messages from Qantas customers saying articles are also no longer discoverable on the airline’s in-house Wi-Fi.

Qantas has been contacted for comment. 

Those who use the Qantas Club, Business Lounges and the Qantas Chairman's Lounge are considered a premium reading audience for finance and business news. 

Nine pointed to its coverage of Qantas.

"It's disappointing Qantas management has decided to deprive its customers of the country's best business and finance journalism because it can't countenance robust criticism," says managing director of publishing, James Chessell. 

"We've been here before with Qantas and as always our editorial independence won't be affected by commercial pressure.

"The vast majority of people I speak to think Joe's (Aston) Qantas coverage is tough but fair."

Aston tweeted: "It is quite an honour to join @adele_ferguson in the (Qantas CEO) Alan Joyce tantrum hall of fame."

The AFR reports: "Back in 2014, Qantas pulled all advertising from The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age after a front page article by Adele Ferguson called for Mr Joyce’s resignation when the company posted a $2.8 billion loss."

Qantas last year signed agreements with the ABC, Nine and News Corp for a suite of new digital and TV news and current affair options.

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