Pureprofile revenue up 16% in September quarter

By AdNews | 6 November 2023
Credit: Garry Neesam

ASX-listed data and insights company Pureprofile reported a 16% rise to a record $12.3 million in revenue for the September quarter. 

The company says it's insulated from softer global trading, particularly international. 

“I am immensely proud of our Pureprofile people," says CEO Martin Filz. "They are 100% focused on client needs and deliver on their commitments consistently. 

"The business is also continually developing and improving, incorporating the latest developments and industry trends into our processes. 

"As a business we pride ourselves on our performance and going above and beyond for our clients. We have a benchmark for excellence that positions us as the preferred choice for data & insights amongst a range of businesses, brands and industries.” 

 pureprofile sept q 2023 from asx announcement


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