Privacy laws delayed

By AdNews | 20 August 2024
Credit:Jonathon Young via Unsplash

New privacy laws due to introduced to federal parliament this month have been delayed until at least September.

The overhaul of the Privacy Act, with a focus on keep safe personal information, was revealed in May by attorney-general Mark Dreyfus.

"It's been confirmed, September is most likely the new date for legislation to be introduced to the house," said Chris Brinkworth, managing partner at matech Civic Data. 

"Not all agreed or agreed-in-principle recommendations will be covered in the final bill, as drafting instructions for all proposals have not been issued." 

The government had initially agreed to or agreed in-principle to 106 recommendations from the Privacy Act Review.

The advertising industry is worried that some of the extra regulations will impact the collection of personal data which enables fine targeting in digital ads.

The IAB’s Data State of the Nation report found that 94% of the advertising decision makers/influencers surveyed rated the usage of data as critical or very important for commercial success in digital advertising. 

Changes are expected to be broadly in-line with the proposals outlined in the government’s Privacy Act Review Report released in February 2023.

“This will include an updated definition of personal information; an overarching requirement that collections, uses and disclosures of personal information be ‘fair and reasonable’, regardless of consent; and new requirements applying to ‘targeting’ – an activity that hasn’t previously been regulated,” said IAB’s director of policy and regulatory affairs, Sarah Waladan. 

“It will also include stricter rules on ‘trading’ of personal information and stricter rules on the collection of personal information from a third party; for example - where companies do not collect information directly from an individual, they will then have to take reasonable steps to ensure that the information was originally lawfully collected.”

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