Principle Media scoops up Swinburne account from Initiative

By AdNews | 1 August 2024
Swinburne University

Swinburne University of Technology has appointed Principle Media Group (PMG) its media planning and buying partner for the next three years.

Incumbent was Initiative who had managed Swinburne’s media since 2015.​

Swinburne chief marketing officer Carolyn Bendall said choosing PMG as the university’s media partner aligns to Swinburne’s commitment to education.

“We are impressed by PMG’s strategic approach and their understanding of our distinctive brand promise to create the next gen now, and overall vision for Swinburne to bring people and technology together to build a better world," Bendall said.

"We look forward to working closely to leverage cutting edge digital and data-driven capabilities, elevate our media campaigns and enhance our visibility in the market."

PMG managing director Peter Toone said the agency feels enormously privileged in partnering with Swinburne as they continue to push the boundaries of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in further education.

“Navigating this complex learner journey in an ever-changing media landscape is an incredibly exciting prospect, and one we feel well prepared for," Toone said.

"We can’t wait to get started with the team.”

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