Principals refreshes Officeworks brand

By AdNews | 9 March 2022

Branding design agency Principals has refreshed the brand identity for Officeworks.

Research showed Australians liked and respected Officeworks, but there was also an opportunity to bring more dynamism and joy to the brand by tapping into a collective love of stationery, technology and art supplies.

The brand refresh embraces and enhances the well-known blue and red colour palette with the dash made central to the design system to deliver increased impact and distinctiveness.

The dash drives recognition across all communication tiers and channels, ensuring an undeniable Officeworks presence in everything the brand does.

As part of the process, Principals’ in-house language arm XXVI rethought the Officeworks brand voice to bring to life the business’s vision – inspiring Australians to work, learn, create and connect. The new tone of voice dials up the joy and energy to build on the brand’s practical problem-solving credentials.

Principals Group Strategy Director Tim Riches: “It was such a pleasure to work with the first-class Officeworks team. The result of our collaboration is an expressive and personality-rich brand that solidifies Officeworks’ position as one of Australia’s top retailers and strongest brands.”

Officeworks General Manager Marketing & Insights Jess Richmond: “The brief to Principals was to update the brand tone of voice, personality and identity to drive effective communications, as well as an improved in-store experience. The team translated insights into an actionable strategy and a suite of flexible and expressive brand assets. We feel it’s a brand identity that will stand the test of time.” 

The brand refresh follows work by Principals on the Officeworks’ tech support business Geeks2U. In 2021, the agency completed a refresh for the brand following its acquisition by Officeworks.  

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