Pollinate launches sustainability division

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 8 November 2022
Howard Parry-Husbands; image supplied by Pollinate.

The Influence Group’s strategic consulting and insights company Pollinate has launched a purpose-built division to deliver meaningful sustainability initiatives for businesses: Pollinate Sustainability.

Pollinate Sustainability will help businesses identify the cause of their sustainability issues across the business functions of purpose, process, product and promotion, delivering solutions that range from marketing and communications to product development and supply chain management. The division will also conduct training programs to launch in early 2023.

The division comprises experts across the Pollinate business - Pamela Souvlis (head of society), Nathan Saville (COO), Morgan Owen (Adelaide MD), Bronte Rice-Jenkins (account manager), and Lilia Blanari (senior research manager) – and will be led by Pollinate CEO Howard Parry-Husbands, who has spent 10 years on the Board of Planet Ark, one of Australia's most trusted environmental organisations.

Pollinate will launch the most recent findings of its marquee Pulse survey, keeping a running tab on Australian society’s relationship with sustainability initiatives, via a live webinar on 17 November. 

Howard said: “Sustainability as a concept is nothing new for Pollinate. However, it is very clear we’re in a paradigm shift around the way businesses and consumers deal with sustainability. 

“Right now consumers have a set of expectations around sustainability that are pulling businesses in many directions, from location of manufacturing to product pricing. It’s understandably confusing, particularly with the market being flooded by consultancy offers around the subject.

“In this environment, we have identified the need to offer a purpose-built division that uses our track record to help provide clear and meaningful paths to a sustainable future, improving business outcomes and exceeding consumer needs.”

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