Podcast Ranker: Hamish & Andy reign supreme

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 11 September 2024

Triton Digital's Podcast Ranker for August 2024 has been released, with Hamish & Andy retaining the spot in both the Top 100 Ranker and Top 100 All-Australian Ranker.

The comedy duo tallied 897,086 monthly listeners and nearly 1.8 million monthly downloads.

The ABC'S ABC News Top Stories remained in second with 717,549 monthly listeners, while Casefile True Crime held at third with 677,813 monthly listeners.

Mamamia Out Loud was at fourth with 562,587 monthly listeners, while Shameless rose to five with 530,065 monthly listeners.

ARN/iHeartMedia, LiSTNR (SCA) and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) remained at first, second and third in the Top Publishers rankings. ARN/iHeartMedia led the way in monthly listeners with 4,441,912 to go along with over 14 million monthly downloads, while the ABC totalled 24,354,472 monthly downloads, the highest for August.

ARN’s head of digital audio, Corey Layton, said as Australia’s #1 podcast publisher, the engagement of ARN's slate is undeniable with three out of four monthly Australian podcast listeners listening to an iHeart podcast.

"Alongside our partners, we continue to provide advertisers access to an extraordinary slate of shows, upheld with four of the nation’s top ten podcasts," he said.

 of LiSTNR Podcasts executive head Grant Tothill said with more than seven million monthly listeners and an advanced AdTech Hub, LiSTNR provides an unparalleled audience profile and reach that is capable of delivering highly measurable advertising opportunities.

"This is the key to our sales revenue growth and why LiSTNR is considered the world’s best practice in terms of audience monetisation,” he said.

“With a focus on premium, owned and operated original titles, and global partnerships, along with our specialised podcast sales team, LiSTNR is positioned to continually drive and educate a highly dynamic podcast market."

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