Pivotus wins My Weight Loss Clinic

By AdNews | 31 July 2024
Pivotus founder Michael Petersen

Independent media agency Pivotus has been appointed as the media buyer for specialised clinic My Weight Loss Clinic.

My Weight Loss Clinic founder and CEO Chris O’Donnell said healthcare today is very different to five years ago.

"In this next phase of our growth, we needed an agency partner who could understand our business model and intricacies, not just advertising metrics, and the team at Pivotus proved they can right from our very first conversation," O’Donnell said.

Pivotus founder and client strategist Michael Petersen said he loves the brands focus on people over pills and certainly meets the agency desire to work with challenger brands. 

“It only took one look at Chris’ working background and a meeting with his COO for me to know that this was a business we wanted to support," Petersen said.

Heading the new account at Pivotus is account director Adrienne Le Mura, supported by account manager Shaun Taylor.

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