Pivotus appointed Metricon's media buyer for Queensland

By AdNews | 2 October 2023

Home builder Metricon has appointed independent agency Pivotus as its digital media strategist and buyer for Queensland operations.

This collaboration follows two years of Pivotus spearheading campaigns for one of Metricon QLD group’s subsidiary brands, the Australian Building Company (ABC).

"The intricacies of digital media buying may be overlooked by some, but for nimble marketing teams like those at Metricon QLD, an exceptionally responsive and dedicated agency team will yield substantial results," says Michael Petersen, founder and client strategist at Pivotus.

"Their gifted trading skills and passionate investment in automations and integrations serve as the cherry on top!"

Rachel Blades, marketing manager QLD for Metricon & ABC, praised Pivotus’ dynamic approach.

"The enthusiasm and dedication of the Pivotus team is contagious," says Blades.

"I am eager to see our collaboration develop further, knowing firsthand their exceptional service, impressive outcomes, and unwavering commitment to challenge conventional methods."

Heading the Metricon QLD account at Pivotus is account director Adrienne Le Mura and senior account manager Manon Gattolin, with a new addition to the team to be announced shortly.


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