PHOTOS - Outbrain's 10-year celebrations

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 8 December 2022

Discovery and native advertising platform Outbrain recently celebrated 10 years in Australia by taking part in the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb, a celebratory toast at Cruise Bar and then dinner at Cafe Sydney.

Andrew Burke, MD for APAC and growth markets at Outbrain, said: "For me, I think that one of the best things that we've experienced is our people.

"We have had some incredible people that have helped us create what we have here in Australia. I've been with the company for five years and one of my proudest elements is who we get to work with.

"We get to work with complex publishers and awesome advertisers, but we're super proud of the family that we've built locally.

Ayal Steiner, VP of global ad revenue at Outbrain, said: "There's a very strong bond across the Outbrain alumni. When you share a moment of trying to do something special and unique in the market, there's always a fun experience around that.

"The most fun memory for me is getting to the first office, unpacking the monitors and putting the logo on the wall; that was just a really fun moment.

"Fast forward, going to New York and NASDAQ, when we IPO'ed the business with the management team, that was just a fantastic milestone to be part of. I joined when we were about 60-something employees globally, to now working at a company that has north of 1,000 employees. I feel very privileged and humbled to be part of that journey."

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