PHOTOS - Half Dome hosts UnLtd Big Chat in Melbourne

By AdNews | 26 July 2024

Independent media agency Half Dome hosted more than 60 people at its Richmond, Melbourne office for UnLtd’s Big Chat series where the charity shared the latest results from the 2024 Mentally Healthy Study.

Mentally Healthy Change Group co-chair Andy Wright and Human Kind Collective founder Virginia Scully spoke about the effects of hybrid working on mental wellbeing within the media and marketing industry, and how Australia compares globally.

They unpacked the levels of psychosocial safety and effective initiatives for improving overall wellbeing in the workplace.

The event highlighted the importance of creating an environment for diversity to flourish, requires leaders to gain a greater consideration of psychosocial safety across generational differences, gender and neurodivergence.


Half Dome head of people and culture Renee Murray said the agency jumped at the chance to host its second Big Chat with UnLtd.

"This topic is so relevant and important, with all of us experiencing such a transformation of the working world over the past few years, coupled with the legislation changes and obligations for leaders to understand, it can be really challenging to navigate," Murray said.

"Hearing the outcomes of the 2024 Mentally Healthy Study certainly reinforced for us that the measures we have in place to support our people at Half Dome are on the right path.

"With practical and simplified key takeaways from both presenters, it was a highly beneficial event for all leaders in the room."


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