PHOTOS - EssenceMediacom hosts first Partners Day

By AdNews | 28 April 2023

EssenceMediacom hosted its first Partners Day, showing 600 industry leaders and media partners its new agency model and 'breakthrough thinking for brands' positioning.

Each event across Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane was hosted by state leadership teams with presentations and brand case studies to show each aspect of EssenceMediacom’s approach from data and tech, strategy and planning, creative futures, performance and media investment. The event provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of what 'breakthrough thinking' means and the opportunities it brings.

Nick Thomas, EssenceMediacom chief investment officer, said Essence has been hard at work bringing the two agencies together since the merger was announced 12 months.

"We are beyond excited to share this with our partners at our Partners Day events across Australia," Thomas said, "these sessions exemplified the spirit of  'breakthrough thinking' that EssenceMediacom is set up to deliver now and into the future."

Among the highlights of the events were fireside chats with EssenceMediacom clients. In Brisbane, Container Exchange marketing manager Gemma Boucher joined the team on stage, while in Melbourne guests heard from Myer GM of marketing Gemma Hunter.

In Sydney, Andy Morley, director of marketing for Uber and Uber Eats, shared valuable insights into the success of their collaboration and how 'breakthrough thinking' is coming to bear for Uber.

“If you’re not doing something breakthrough or disruptive, no one’s going to notice you," Morley said, "that’s why I’m excited about EssenceMediacom’s new capabilities and approach.”

EssenceMediacom also revealed the success of its charity partnership with anti-bullying charity Dolly’s Dream, demonstrating 'breakthrough thinking' for good, which activated a full-funnel media strategy that delivered more than $8.6m in media value, thanks to the generosity of media publisher partners. The team also raised more than $35,000 in donations.

Rod Prosser, chief sales officer at Paramount ANZ, said Partners Day was a real turning point for EssenceMediacom.

"The energy, capability and depth of talent really showed what EssenceMediacom stands for and the incredible opportunities we have to work with them in exciting new ways in the future," Prosser said.

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