PHOTOS - Chello's 10th birthday bash

By AdNews | 13 June 2024
Lindsay Rogers and Tristan Velasco. Credit: Joe Kennedy.

Independent brand and creative agency Chello celebrated its 10th anniversary with a birthday bash held at Chin Chin in Sydney last night. The event was attended by the team, clients and industry folk. 

Founded in 2014 at former Sydney institution Frankie’s Pizza, Chello began when co-founder and MD Lindsay Rogers, fresh from leaving her video production job, teamed up with creative talent Tristan Velasco.

Over pizza, they envisioned an agency that would be a joy to work in and with, focused on making meaningful work. Velasco quit his job the next day, and Chello was born.

"Chello never set out with a business plan or even considered we’d be here ten years later," Rogers said.

"We just kept following our nose, investing in great people, and stopped to do some rigorous planning about the difference we want to make in this market. Being a female-founder in a male-dominated industry is the rocket fuel I need to keep pushing forward. If you can see it, you can be it."

Velasco said it's incredible how 10 years can feel so long and yet so short at the same time.

"We're proud of our achievements and excited about what the future holds."

The agency is also unveiling a fresh rebrand, complete with a new logo, updated website, and revamped office space.

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