PHOTOS - Amaysim (nearly) nude City2Surf

By AdNews | 16 August 2023

Australian telco amaysim celebrated its tongue-in-cheek brand campaign with a giant customer "nudie run" at Sydney’s City2Surf.

Bondi Rescue’s Harries Carroll and Jethro James led more than 150 customers in nude suits (covering just enough) through the streets of Sydney, spruiking the brand’s message of breaking free from telco constraints and inviting others along the racetrack to ‘go on, feel amaysim’.

The stunt was an extension of amaysim’s latest creative film which portrays everyday Australians stripping down while running the streets to evoke the feeling of liberation from the typical drawbacks associated with the telecommunications industry.

Head of brand and communication at amaysim, Jeddah Ryan, said the image of hundreds of nearly nude customers running in the middle of Sydney’s City2Surf is one she’ll never forget.

“Since launching our new brand platform two months ago, we’ve been eagerly watching the evolution of our brand as we really lean into our courageousness. The customer activation on the weekend felt like the perfect celebration of this – a bold, quintessentially Aussie nudie-run,” said Ryan.

“We had hundreds of amaysim customers eager to join us in creating the hilarious concept which made for an incredible atmosphere on the day as we walked the walk (and ran the run) of feeling the thrill of freedom.”

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