Raising funds for Cancer Council and tucking into some sweet treats, Adland largely got involved in the 30th anniversary of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. Despite being officially held on Thursday, May 25, businesses can host the event anytime throughout May or June.
UM Brisbane
Friday marked the post-COVID return of UM Brisbane hosting Cancer Council's Biggest Morning Tea. Now in its ninth year, the event holds special meaning, with many members of staff and the wider industry having been personally impacted by cancer.
The event is organised by UM Brisbane's office manager, Helen, and media reconciler, Angie. Together with their extended families, these two ladies lay on a spread that has become legendary right across the local media industry. This year's Greek-themed event saw over 100 people from Brisbane's media industry coming together to raise over $5,000 for this important cause and planning for next year's event is already underway.
Independent agency Bastion raised over $1,500 in support of the Cancer Council at its annual Biggest Morning Tea on Thursday across their offices. Baked goods and treats were shared in support of this incredible initiative.
Independent agency Enigma hosted across its Sydney, Newcastle and Brisbane offices and extended its support to employees, clients, friends and families who may have been affected by cancer, utilising the agency as an advocate on behalf of the broader community.
Enigma Brisbane.
Enigma Sydney.
Publicis Groupe and its agencies held a Biggest Morning Tea on Wednesday 31 May at its Sydney office with budding bakers bringing in an array of sweet treats, from gourmet cupcakes to banana bread and Portuguese tarts, to raise important funds for the Cancer Council.
Half Dome
Independent agency Half Dome got staff to bring their favourite plates to the table in support, with every dish equaling a $25 donation. These contributions help fund crucial research, prevention initiatives, and support services. Half Dome is proud to play a part in supporting the incredible work of The Cancer Council, positively impacting the lives of those affected in our community.
Tom Frazer, Half Dome's co-founder and MD, said: "Many of us have unfortunately been impacted by cancer in some way or know someone who has. For 30 years, Australia's Biggest Morning Tea has been a terrific initiative to raise awareness and support for the incredible work the Cancer Council does for our community, and like so many Australians it was important to us that we get involved.
"The whole team put a lot of effort into hosting this year's morning tea, and we really enjoyed having everyone bring in their favourite homemade food and share a special morning together for a great cause everyone can get behind. It's fantastic to see the support for the event and the Cancer Council continue to grow, and we're proud to play our part."
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