PHD promotes Ryan Ambrose to Melbourne head of investment

By AdNews | 25 June 2024
Ryan Ambrose.

PHD Australia has promoted Ryan Ambrose to Melbourne head of investment.

Ambrose steps into the new role as the market’s investment lead, returning to Melbourne after a stint as a group investment director in Sydney.

Tasked with delivering PHD’s investment product, Ambrose will also advance PHD Melbourne’s investment community and client offering.

He will work closely with Maree Braham, PHD’s head of accountability to maximise investment outcomes for clients, with a focus on compliance, rigour and performance.

“I'm thrilled to be back at PHD Melbourne supported by a national best-in-class investment offering and look forward to continuing to drive growth, exceptional value and innovation for our clients," Ambrose said.

Ambrose will report to PHD’s chief investment officer Joanna Barnes, who continues to lead the national team.

Barnes said Ambrose is a progressive and decisive leader which is exactly what the agency needs to accelerate its client’s growth ambitions in this new era.

"Ryan has been with PHD since 2016 and in that time has impressed across so many areas and I can’t wait for the full ‘Ambrose effect’ to take hold," she said.

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