Pat Crowley: 'If you doubt the grace of the industry look no further than my family'

Ashley Regan
By Ashley Regan | 20 September 2024
The Crowley family

Pat Crowley, last night at the MFA Awards, thanked the industry on behalf of his family who are profoundly grateful for the industry's support last year.

The former Essence Mediacom Australia CEO, shared the challenges faced by his sons, Levi and Fletcher, who have both endured significant health issues.

Levi, diagnosed with a rare form of cancer VHL at the age of 17, has undergone multiple surgeries and treatments for tumors in his brain, spine, eyes, kidneys and pancreas.

Fletcher, after a bike accident, is now paraplegic being unable to move from the waist down, but plans to ride his bike from Perth to Sydney to raise money for spine research and plans on competing at the Paralympics. 

"Every day we [Crowley and his wife Nikki] are in awe of the boys, they're brave, they're cheeky, they're unrelenting, they're a pain in the ass - you know they're kids, but we're so, so proud to be their parents," Crowley said.

"I'm going to call you [industry members] a whole lot of words that I wouldn't have used if I was pitching against Horgs, or if I was doing the work stuff, this is what it really means to be part of the industry - it's a loving, graceful, beautiful, generous, extraordinary community of media owners, publishers, media agency practitioners and marketers."

The family expressed deep gratitude for unwavering support including financial contributions and thousands of signatures for Levi's NDIS approval.

"Your support and love has been unwavering. Your generosity has been unmatched, and your decency and kindness has been incredible to experience," Crowley said.

"In our darkest moments friends filled our fridge with food, strangers we barely knew walked our dogs. People came to clean our house.

"The money that poured into the boys Go Fund Me pages came from people that I have known for 30 years working in the industry, but but a whole lot of money came from people that I've never ever met and I probably will never meet.

"Talking about changes. We do change lives.

"We got more support from this industry than any other corner of our lives, we are profoundly and eternally grateful for that.

"The generosity literally made us cry everyday."

Crowley especially thanked Tumbleturn managing partner Jen Davidson and Nine chief sales officer Michael Stevenson who supported the family in the early days along with a group of others.

"There are many more of you that bent over backwards for us, thank you for all those people," Crowley said.

"More than anything this has made me feel so proud to be part of this cohort of people, this is the industry that I love and feel absolutely blessed to be part of.

"The industry came together when we needed it the most, no matter the agency or the holding company.

"If you ever doubt the grace and decency that exists within the media and marketing community, look no further than my family and what we've benefited from.

"There is more that unites us in this industry then divides us, way more than I ever thought before.

"I'll stand on any stage, anywhere, and sing the praises of our media industry.

"From the depths of our heart, Nikki, Levi, Fletcher and I thank you."

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