Paramount’s Rick Maier to move into new role next year

By AdNews | 24 August 2023
Rick Maier.

Paramount Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) have announced that Rick Maier, head of drama and executive production, will move into a newly created role as creative advisor of drama, Paramount ANZ, from early next year.

The newly created role will afford Maier more time to oversee and represent Paramount across key local dramas and advise on international dramas for co-productions and acquisitions including series such as NCIS: Sydney, Last King of The Cross and Neighbours.

Over the last 16 years at Paramount, Maier has overseen the commissioning, casting, script, production and post-production of a large number of drama series, telemovies, and event mini-series. He's also been the network executive producer for 11 seasons of MasterChef Australia.

Maier said he came to Network 10 as a curious writer wanting to understand how Networks operate.

"Fair to say it’s still a mystery. But in a good way. I’m grateful to everyone at 10 for their enduring friendship, with hopefully many more great challenges ahead in this new role," he said.

Beverley McGarvey, EVP, chief content officer and head of Paramount+ at Paramount Australia & New Zealand, said she is thrilled Maier has agreed to stay and be part of the team as he transitions to the next stage of his career. 

“Not only has Rick been an outstanding leader in the scripted space over many years but he has been a critical member of the Content Leadership team and a great colleague, mentor, and friend to me and many others," she said.

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