Paramount launches partnership with Samba TV

By AdNews | 20 September 2022
Credit: Charles Deluvio via Unsplash

Paramount Australia and New Zealand and Samba TV today announced a partnership enabling advertisers to reach TV audiences across every screen and achieve deduplicated incremental reach across Paramount’s premium and differentiated digital programming inventory.

The partnership will unlock the power of Samba TV’s measurement technology to provide advertisers with a more accurate and holistic understanding of television viewership across any device, channel and platform, including broadcast, linear and streaming.

Rod Prosser, chief sales officer, Paramount ANZ said: “We’re incredibly impressed with Samba TV’s technology and capabilities as well as their global scale and local expertise.

"We are confident that this strategic alliance will give our clients the edge and create more meaningful opportunities for advertisers to better connect with audiences through the content we know they love to watch.

"Samba TV’s technology further allows us to deepen our audience insights across our organisation. Spanning content acquisition, programming and marketing, we intend to embed this full audience view into Paramount ANZ to guide critical business decisions and enhance our competitive advantage.”

Yasmin Sanders, managing director, Samba TV in Australia said: “Paramount has such a powerful platform, and we are excited to help grow their ecosystem and amplify their data capabilities with Samba TV’s proprietary technology.

“We’re delighted with this Australia-first broadcaster milestone and look forward to bolstering Paramount’s competitive advantage and taking total TV to the next level.

“Together we can provide more transparency and better ROI for advertisers, but above all, deliver a more relevant and personalised TV and ad experience for Paramount’s Australian viewers, no matter where and when they tune in to the latest content.”

Thomas Parsons, head of client & data partnerships, Samba TV in Australia said: “Paramount’s strong brands and premium content present a valuable proposition for advertisers, and we’re excited to enhance that further through our technology, which is built specifically for the connected TV experience.

“The collaboration also reflects our common passion to innovate and create new ways for advertisers to connect with highly-engaged audiences efficiently and effectively in today’s fragmented TV landscape.”


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