Paper + Spark wins Campbells Wholesale pitch

By AdNews | 6 August 2024
Campbells Wholesale

Creative communications and marketing consultancy Paper + Spark has been appointed as the full-service digital marketing agency for distribution company Campbells Wholesale.

Campbells Wholesale is part of the Metcash Group and operates an network of 14 sites across the country supporting independent retailers nationwide.

Following a competitive agency pitch process, Paper + Spark will overhaul Campbells Wholesale’s digital ecosystem from content strategy, content development and implementation, paid media campaigns, and ongoing analytics and optimisation.

Campbells Wholesale senior marketing and digital manager Deanna Whiteford said Paper + Spark was chosen for their innovative approach and their no-nonsense direct approach with a smile.

"We felt an immediate connection with Paul and the team," Whiteford said.

Paper + Spark director Paul Everson said the agency is thrilled to be working with the Campbells Wholesale team.

"Their vision and energy for the brand, with its deep history in the Australian retail landscape, was and is infectious, and we are feeling it every day," Everson said.

"It's an interesting time in wholesale retail to do things differently, and we are collectively up for the challenge. Watch this space as we do great things together."

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