Paper Moose hires four across strategy, creative, media and accounts

By AdNews | 11 September 2024
Annabelle Rogers, Claire Sutton, Niranjana Muraleedharan and Brigitte Harbrow

Independent creative agency Paper Mooose has brought on four senior hires after several competitive pitch wins.

Annabelle Rogers joins as strategy director, bringing more than 15 years of agency and media experience, having most recently worked at Hero.

Claire Sutton joins as creative lead after stints at Purpose, Reset Australia, Republic of Everyone and Clemenger BBDO.

Niranjana Muraleedharan joins as performance and social media director, bringing over a decade of experience from the likes of Landmark Group and Isobar. 

Brigitte Harbrow also joins the team as senior account director with 10 years experience from work at Re, Traffic, 303 MullenLowe and The Monkeys.

The agency has welcomed clients including Qantas Loyalty, CSIRO and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources over the past 12 months. 

Paper Moose founder and CEO Nick Hunter said the hires represent the company’s continued focus on creative effectiveness and client success. 

“Welcoming new Meese into our herd is always an exciting time at Paper Moose,” he said. 

“These four new hires bring a diverse wealth of experience that elevates our truly integrated offering for our clients and aligns with our purpose of sparking positive change through creativity.”

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