Oxfam Australia billing the billionaires who can afford to end poverty, via Bullfrog

By AdNews | 21 March 2023

Bullfrog has partnered with Bone Digital to create the Trillion Dollar Bill; a receipt listing more than 8.4 billion items that the world’s 10 richest people can afford to buy – including the solutions to ending poverty.

The two have joined forces to help Oxfam Australia engage Aussies on the issue of extreme wealth inequality.

The world's 10 richest people have over $1 trillion between them. That amount of wealth is enough to end global poverty, with billions left over.

Research has shown that the human brain is unable to compute the value of that many zeros and comprehend what a trillion dollars actually means.

To explain the ever-growing wealth gap, Oxfam Australia has partnered with Bullfrog and Bone Digital to create the Trillion Dollar Bill – an endless itemised receipt detailing everything the world's 10 richest people could afford to buy.

The Trillion Dollar Bill contains 8.4 billion items, ranging from everyday purchases, to more expensive luxuries only the 1% can afford.

Lauren Eddy, senior copywriter at Bullfrog, said: “We needed to prove that nothing is out of reach for the super-rich.

“So of course there are private islands, Bentleys and Post Malone’s diamond pinky ring. But that’s chump change. Look closely and you’ll find more exclusive luxuries, like SpaceX flights, the Burj Khalifa, or Twitter – which, incidentally, is more expensive than providing food security to 490 million hungry people.”

Oxfam Australia have highlighted special items on the receipt, such as global humanitarian aid and hunger relief, that will make it harder for billionaires to ignore these (really quite affordable) solutions to ending poverty.

Mike Doman, executive strategy director at Bullfrog, said: “Our strategy was to find an entertaining way of quantifying the vast sum of money these billionaires have.

“We could propose far more constructive ways of spending it, through Oxfam’s proposed wealth tax on the super-rich and, domestically, by opposing stage 3 tax cuts.”

The Trillion Dollar Bill will be promoted across social, PR and throughout the upcoming Melbourne International Comedy Festival, encouraging Australians to reshare and tag a billionaire to send them the bill.


Client: Oxfam Australia


Creative & Strategy: Bullfrog

CEO: Dalton Henshaw

Managing Director: Matilda Hobba

Executive Strategy Director: Mike Doman

Strategy Director: Ben Thomas

Executive Creative Directors: Dan Sparkes & Elle Bullen

Senior Business Manager: Megan Wailes

Senior Art Director: Katarina Matic

Senior Copywriter: Lauren Eddy

Senior Designer: Alex Roby


Web Development: Bone Digital

General Manager: Simon Hipgrave

Chief Technical Officer: James Burke

Head of Operations: Luci Trotter

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