Outfront - oOh! reveals screens with full motion 3D capabilities

By AdNews | 4 September 2024

oOh!media has unveiled dual full-motion large format displays with synchronised 3D capabilities.

The 3 x 5 metre screens are at Martin Place Retail Precinct, one of Sydney’s busiest travel and retail hubs.

The launch, announced at Outfront ‘25, follows the success of oOh!’s 3D Anamorphic display The Bourke in Melbourne.

“For the first time in Australia, brands can tell their stories on synchronised large-format screens with full-motion 3D capabilities," said Josh Gurgiel, head of oOh!’s POLY.

"By combining the power of reach and innovative technology, we continue to help brands achieve the kind of fame that resonates long after the campaign ends.”

With the growth in popularity and increased demand for faux OOH (FOOH) campaigns, oOh! has also announced the development of bespoke, interactive digital scans for its classic large format sites.

The digital twin technology provides hyper-accurate digital models, lowering the barriers for advertisers and agencies to activate combined FOOH and real OOH campaigns.

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