Our Watch Award finalists 2022

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 26 May 2022
Glenn Carstens-Peters via Unsplash.

Three finalists have been announced for the 2022 Our Watch Award for excellence in reporting on violence against women and children, administered by the Walkley Foundation. 

Our Watch CEO Patty Kinnersly said: “In 2021, we witnessed an unprecedented groundswell of support in our fight to prevent violence against women.

“The media has a powerful role in exposing violence against women, shaping the national conversation and influencing policy and community attitudes. 

“Now, more than ever, it’s so important to recognise and reward excellence in reporting on violence against women. In particular, reports that focus on the whole issue, that talk about the drivers of violence against women, and the steps we need to take to prevent it. 

“Good reporting can have a significant impact. It can influence how women understand their experiences of violence, and whether they choose to speak out or seek support. It can also influence the way perpetrators understand their choices to use violence and whether to seek support to change their behaviour.” 

The finalists and their nominated stories: 

 Bethany Atkinson-Quinton and Madison Griffiths, Broadwave, “Tender: Roia Atmar 

 Natassia Chrysanthos and David Leser, Good Weekend and Good Weekend Talks, Sydney Morning Herald, “Sex, schoolkids and where it all goes wrong” and “‘What heartache or trauma could have been avoided?’: teen hook-up culture’s social fallout 

 Karla Grant, Ross Turner, Michael Carey and Nick O'Brien, NITV, “Carly and Keenan: Struggle of Our Lives 


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