oOh!'s Tim Murphy joins QMS' executive leadership team

By AdNews | 11 September 2023
Tim Murphy.

Digital outdoor media company QMS has appointed Tim Murphy to its executive leadership team.

Based in Melbourne, he will join QMS in February 2024.

Murphy has more than 16 years’ experience in the out of home sector, most recently as chief sales officer at oOh!media.

He is joining QMS in a newly created role. More information about his role and responsibilities will be announced soon. 

QMS chief executive officer, John O’Neill, said Murphy has a proven track record of developing and leading high-performance sales teams, with a commitment to fostering excellent client relationships and delivering significant revenue growth.

"He has been a champion of the digital out of home sector, making him the perfect fit for QMS," said O'Neill.

“Tim will take on a newly created role at QMS, one that will complement the strengths of our existing executive sales leaders and help shape our company for the next exciting phase of growth.”

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