oOh! Outfront - A tilt at retailer media

By AdNews | 27 October 2022

oOh!media is moving into the retailer media market with the launch of reooh, an end-to-end OOH offering for retailers to fast-track growth in the accelerating sector.

With PwC predicting retail media spending will hit $2 billion annually by 2025, reooh is a new business division leveraging oOh!’s scale and capabilities as one of Australia’s biggest OOH retail media companies.

Launched at oOh!’s Outfront, reooh is a turnkey digital OOH solution enabling major retailers to build their own in store digital Out of Home networks to both promote their own products and services to customers and drive new revenues as part of a wider retail media proposition.

Reooh draws on oOh!’s dominant retail media position, with more than 6,000 assets in more than 500 shopping centres influencing in excess of $79 billion in consumer spending each year.

A key element of the offering is oOh!’s leading capability and investment in deploying anonymised customer transactional data across more than 400 buyer-graphic segments delivering attributable outcomes to retail advertisers.

Retailers partnering with reooh can access oOh!’s extensive expertise in digital Out of Home, including asset procurement, mobilisation, maintenance, remote monitoring, ad and content serving.

Cathy O'Connor, oOh! CEO, said: “As we lead Out of Home to a digital-first future, it is impossible to ignore the rise of retailer media. Australia’s retailer landscape is unique in many ways, with household brands commanding large physical footprints and large amounts of customer data and we know retailers will only continue building out their omnichannel media offerings in the years ahead.

“oOh! has a large and well established retail media business, now we can bring our scale and expertise to retailers, leveraging our IP, core capabilities, network, data, technology and assets to play a major role in shaping the rapidly growing retail media landscape.”

oOh! is in discussions with major retailers.

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