Onsite retail media agency BuckledUp launches

By AdNews | 1 July 2024
Mary Arbuckle and Irina Dwyer.

Buckled Up, a retail media agency founded by Mary Arbuckle and Irina Dwyer, has launched in Australia.

The agency says it simplifies the channel for brands by planning, buying, managing and measuring onsite retail media activity, which is managed through retailers' online self-service systems.

"It’s just the two of us – we are a micro-agency specialising in a very small part of the total RM channel," said Dwyer, co-founder and director.

Arbuckle said the point of difference is that they work from a brand perspective,

"We don’t get any kick-backs from the retailers," said Arbuckle.

"We simply work with brands to understand how onsite RM can help them achieve their KPIs. We’re not only the face of Buckled Up, but also the ones behind the scenes ‘doing the doing’. You will never get ‘handed off’ to someone else after we win the work."

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