Omnicom shares smash through the $100 barrier

Chris Pash
By Chris Pash | 2 September 2024
Credit: Maximilian Vorbrodt via Unsplash

Shares in Omnicom have finally hit $US100 each.

They had been bouncing to $US99 each for more than a year, failing to break through the magic $100 ceiling.

In trading on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday, the shares rose 1.8% to $US100.43 (AUD148).

They fell back again to $99 in after hours trading but the official close was a nose above $100. 

The shares are a long way from the low of $47 each in 2020 during the pandemic. 

By comparison, IPG shares last traded at $US32.61, WPP at 72.42 GBP, M&C Saatchi at 20.9 GBP.

Publicis Groupe, whose growth has been outstripping its peers, in March saw its share price jump above 100 Euros (163 AUD) and is currently just below that.

Omnicom has been performing better than many of its peers, reporting better than expected June quarter results, with organic growth of 5.2%, revenue of $US3.9 billion and net income $328.1 million. 

The results confirmed analysts' expectations of a strong performance in the US and the UK.

The company expects full year organic growth of 4% to 5%, with “strong” net new business wins and pitch pipeline. 

Omnicom share price via investing dot com aug 2204

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