OMD announces Exec Next program 2023

By AdNews | 13 July 2023
First row L-R: Emily Arce, Danica Berjanovic, Megan Blandy, Elizabeth Calwell. Second row L-R: Oliver Durrant, Brittany Meale, Matthew Wallace, Kate Welsh.

OMD Australia today announced the 2023 cohort in the agency’s Exec Next program.

Exec Next, following a successful inaugural year, is an internal program of up-and-coming talent who will work as an extension to the executive leadership team for 12 months.

One of the key achievements from the inaugural cohort was the creation of a new workspace for collaboration and community across the national agency.

“Exec Next brought together OMDers from different offices with different strengths to work together towards common goals, a true reflection of how executive teams operate and such an authentic, valuable experience," said Sabrina Ranasinghe, OMD Melbourne account manager and 2022 Exec Nexter.

"The program went far beyond being a part of the discussion, we got the opportunity to influence agency policies and culture. This was the most empowering, rewarding and fulfilling part! OMD didn’t just want our opinions, they facilitated our recommendations.

"The briefs received gave me fantastic insight into how our leaders make our employee experience the best it can be, and it has prepared me to continue my goal of being an empathetic leader.”

The program is made up of a selective group of national OMDers who demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities and have been identified as potential future agency leaders.

The eight appointed 2023 members, who will act as a collective for the next 12 months while receiving personal mentoring with OMD’s executive leadership team, undertook a rigorous selection process.

One of them is Oliver Durrant, receptionist and office manager for OMD Melbourne.

"I couldn’t be more excited to have the opportunity to work closely with OMD’s executive leadership team," Durrant said.

"Each of our executives have such unique strengths and leadership qualities that I can’t wait to absorb to help me grow as a leader and propel my career development. I’m looking forward to collaborating with my fellow Exec Nexters and putting our stamp on OMD.”

Amanda Watts, general manager of OMD Sydney and OMD Exec Next program lead, says the program resulted in fresh perspectives on how the agency is run.

"We are really excited to continue this program again, providing an opportunity for more future leaders to influence the way we tackle business challenges," Watts said.

"Our inaugural Exec Nexters really stepped up and did an outstanding job of the briefs they were given. We cannot wait to see what the new cohort will bring to the table.”


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