Nine's self serve Ad Manager is now live

By AdNews | 30 October 2023

Nine Ad Manager is officially live after being announced at the broadcaster's upfronts in September.

The product allows Australia’s 2.5 million small to medium size businesses to build a targeted ad campaign with video creative generated by AI.

With the ability to precisely target audiences using age and sex demographics, household location down to individual postcodes, interests and behaviours or TV show and genre, businesses can create an ad using AI simply by entering their website URL into a creative builder in the platform.

The platform collates images, text, branding and colour palettes from the business’s website, creating a scripted video with AI-generated voice-over - all produced in a few minutes.

Ben Campbell, Nine’s director of data and digital advertising product, said the launch of Nine Ad Manager is a real milestone, opening up the possibility for Australian small and medium businesses to advertise on streaming TV for the very first time.

"Through the power of TV, SMBs can now turn their business into a household name within their local area," he said.

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