Nine's Hamish Turner on the ratings year

By AdNews | 8 November 2021
Hamish Turner.

Nine, with just three weeks to go in the 2021 ratings survey, can lay claim to: The number 1 network across the 2021 ratings survey period (excluding Olympics) with People 25-54, 16-39 and Grocery Shopper + Child.

Hamish Turner Nine’s program director told AdNews: “We will be the number one network at the end of the year from both a network perspective and a primary channel.

“To encapsulate the year, it's really been one of consistency. We haven't really had any downtime. We've been able to deliver a slate, to our audience and advertisers, that has provided variety and diversity but has been very consistent. 

“We really haven't had any periods where we've slumped even through the Olympics where obviously our competitors had a very strong two weeks, and created a halo and a platform to promote the next month.

“We were able to get through that period and still be able to deliver a strong performance across both Nine and Nine Now."

He says the best way to describe the year is that Nine has been consistent and dependable and reliable.

The secret?

“For us it's diversity slate, and I think that's really important and important for advertisers and audiences as well," he says.

‘It  gives you a guarantee that if you're backing in Nine, you can basically buy any part of the year and you're guaranteed numbers.

"For us it begins with the Australian Open into Married at First Sight, into Lego Masters, Ninja Warrior, The Block, our new additions Parental Guidance, and even the backend of the year, continuing deeper into December with Lego Masters Christmas specials and a brand new show, Snack Masters." 

 nine survey 2021

“We continue to drive the platform to deliver audiences for our advertisers and a consistent audience and one which is strong in the demos, which we know is really important to them. 



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