Nine's A Current Affair EP becomes director of news and current affairs

By AdNews | 23 May 2024

Fiona Dear, who is the executive producer of A Current Affair, has been named Nine's director of news and current affairs.

She will oversee the roster of Channel 9 programs including the 6pm news bulletins, breaking news teams, Today, A Current Affair and 60 Minutes.

Dear began her career with a work experience stint at WIN Wollongong, having since worked through the WIN Network from Wagga Wagga as a reporter to Canberra for WIN as a reporter and chief of staff.

She has led the team at A Current Affair for the past five and a half years and a new executive producer will be announced in due course.

Dear said she is honoured to be given this role.

"I look forward to the challenges, the news that makes our business great and leading our people as we tell Australia’s stories every day," she said.

Nine's director of television Michael Healy said Dear is an outstanding news person, who has worked tirelessly at Nine across all the broadcast news brands and perfectly understands the company's news culture of excellence.

"We are excited to see her lead the outstanding team of people in television news to bring the full range of news and current affairs to our audiences," he said. 

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